
Ty Montgomery Leads Saints Over Panthers, 33-7

Mon, Jan 4, 2021 | Rob Otto


2015 training camp Deutsch: Ty Montgomery im Trainingscamp der Green Bay Packers im August 2015.
Kyle Engman License

2021-01-03 -- The Saints chalk up a road win against the Panthers, 33 to 7.

With Emmanuel Sanders leading in receptions, the Saints racked up 33 points against the home team. Ty Montgomery threw for 0 touchdowns and 0 interceptions against the Panthers defense with 0 competitions on 0 attempts for 0 yards. Emmanuel Sanders caught for 63 yards on 9 receptions with 1 touchdown. Ty Montgomery ran for 105 yards on 18 attempts with 0 touchdowns. The Saints rushed against Panthers with 30 rush attempts for 156 yards. The visiting team gave up a total of 31 yards on 4 penalties.

Led by Alex Armah from behind the center, the Panthers scored 7 points at home. Alex Armah threw for 0 touchdowns and 0 interceptions on 0 pass attempts with 0 competitions for 0 yards. Curtis Samuel caught for 118 yards on 7 receptions with 0 touchdowns. RodneySmith rushed for 40 yards on 10 attempts with 1 rushing touchdown. The Panthers rushed for a total of 74 yards against the Saints defense on 20 attempts. The Panthers had 5 turnovers with 0 fumbles lost and 5 interceptions.

Posted at Mon, January 4, 2021 00:33:47 UTC