Sun, Sep 29, 2019 | Consuelo Machina
2019-09-29 -- Hawaii over performs on the road against Nevada with a 54-3 win.
Led by Ryan Meskell calling plays, Hawaii scored 54 points as visitors. Ryan Meskell threw for 0 yards on 0 attempts for 0 competitions. Against Nevada, the quarterback threw 0 touchdowns and 0 interceptions. Jason-Matthew Sharsh caught for 123 yards on 9 receptions with 1 touchdown. Freddie Holly III ran for 63 yards on 11 attempts with 0 touchdowns. Hawaii rushed against Nevada with 27 rush attempts for 139 yards. Hawaii had 0 turnovers with 0 fumbles lost and 0 interceptions.
Led by Kelton Moore from the pocket, Nevada scored 3 points at home. Kelton Moore threw for 0 touchdowns and 0 interceptions on 0 pass attempts with 0 competitions for 0 yards. Elijah Cooks caught for 38 yards on 5 receptions with 0 touchdowns. Toa Taua ran for 0 touchdowns against Hawaii with 17 rush attempts for 72 yards. Nevada rushed for a total of 98 yards against Hawaii defense on 36 attempts. Nevada had 3 turnovers with 1 fumbles lost and 2 interceptions.
Posted at Sun, September 29, 2019 06:31:24 UTC