
Red Sox Hurler Rick Porcello Effort Not Enough Against Angels, 4-12

Sun, Aug 11, 2019 | Emma Botos


Rick Porcello
Keith Allison on Flickr (Original version) UCinternational (Crop) License

August 10, 2019 -- The Red Sox lose big at home to the Angels 4 to 12.

The Rick Porcello start could not keep the Angels hitters at bay. The Red Sox hurler threw for 5 hits and 0 walks allowed. Throwing 54 strikes in a 75 pitch outing for 3 strikeouts. A 5.67 ERA and 0.330 OBP in the appearance against Angels.

In the loss at home, Mookie Betts was not able to help the Red Sox get the run needed against the Angels. With 4 at bats, he had a game 0.391 OBP. The Red Sox' top hitter contributed 1 RBI and scored 0 runs in the home outing. Leading the team in slugging for the season, Mookie Betts had a 0.494 slugging percentage. He had a game batting average of 0.283. He gave up 0 Ks in the game.

Posted at Sun, August 11, 2019 00:31:39 UTC