Fri, Aug 16, 2019 | Emma Botos
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Arturo Pardavila III on Flickr License
August 15, 2019 -- The Rangers lose big at home to the Twins 6 to 13.
The Rangers's starting pitcher Pedro Payano could not lead his team for the win. He gave up 5 earned runs over 3.1 innings pitched. The Rangers hurler threw for 5 hits and 3 walks allowed. A 5.32 ERA and 0.227 OBP in the appearance against Twins. He pitched for 3 Ks.
Michael Pineda had a stellar start on the team's road win. The Twins pitcher threw for 6 hits and 1 walk allowed. The pitcher allowed 0.297 OBP. The Rangers had 6 strikeouts against Michael Pineda. The hurler gave up 3 earned runs in 5.0 innings.
Rangers's best hitter, Danny Santana, could not lead his team to beat the Twins. Leading the team in slugging for the season, Danny Santana had a 0.577 slugging percentage. He gave up 0 Ks in the game. With 5 at bats, he had a game 0.342 OBP.
Posted at Fri, August 16, 2019 03:31:53 UTC