Sat, Aug 10, 2019 | Emma Botos
Caleb Smith with the Miami Marlins at Citizens Bank Park in April 2019
Ian D'Andrea on Flickr License
August 9, 2019 -- Despite valiant effort from Starlin Castro at the plate, the Marlins could not beat the Braves.
The Caleb Smith start could not keep the Braves hitters at bay. He gave up 6 earned runs over 4.2 innings pitched. He pitched for 4 Ks. A 3.71 ERA and 0.268 OBP in the appearance against Braves.
Brian Anderson led the Marlins in a losing team performance against the Braves. His team's best hitter had 1 RBI and scored 1 run in the game. In the game, he had a batting average of 0.253. The hitter had a 0.467 slugging in the game. The hitter had a 0.334 OBP with 3 at bats. He had 0 Ks at the plate against the Braves.
The Braves star Ozzie Albies's presence on the road helped the team over the Marlins's pitching. Leading the team in slugging for the season, Ozzie Albies had a 0.510 slugging percentage. With 5 at bats, Ozzie Albies had a 0.354 OBP. The hitter gave up 0 Ks. On the road, he had 1 RBI and scored 2 runs. His batting average was 0.301 in the game.
Posted at Sat, August 10, 2019 03:31:39 UTC