Wed, Aug 14, 2019 | Emma Botos
Starlin Castro
Keith Allison from Hanover, MD, USA License
August 13, 2019 -- The Marlins lose big at home to the Dodgers 1 to 15.
Starlin Castro was not able to pull out the win against the Dodgers. He had a 0.285 OBP with 4 at bats. The team's leading slugger had a 0.382 slugging percentage in the game. He gave up 0 Ks in the game.
Slugger Joc Pederson offense on the road helped the Dodgers over the Marlins's pitching. On the road, he had 0 RBI and scored 0 runs. With 3 at bats, Joc Pederson had a 0.332 OBP. His batting average was 0.239 in the game.
Brian Anderson's leadership for the Marlins was not enough for a loss against the Dodgers. In the game, he had a batting average of 0.253. The hitter had a 0.466 slugging in the game. His team's best hitter had 1 RBI and scored 0 runs in the game. He had a 0.335 OBP with 4 at bats. He had 0 Ks at the plate against the Dodgers.
Posted at Wed, August 14, 2019 03:32:33 UTC