Fri, Sep 27, 2019 | Emma Botos
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Arturo Pardavila III on Flickr (Original version) UCinternational (Crop) License
September 27, 2019 -- The Mariners have a 77.71% likelihood to fall to the Athletics with a based on our model.
On the mound for the Mariners will be Justus Sheffield paired against Mike Fiers. Justus Sheffield is estimated from the model to throw for 5.805 innings, allowing 4.255 earned runs, with 6.914 Ks. The Athletics's Mike Fiers is predicted to throw for 6.704 innings, allowing 2.397 earned runs, with 8.012 Ks.
Kyle Lewis, Mariners's top hitter, will slug it out against Matt Olson in today's game. According to our game model, Kyle Lewis is estimated to bring in 0.769 RBIs and 0.614 runs scored, with an 0.304 OBP and 1.446 Ks. Based on the Snoozle MLB model, Matt Olson is predicted to bat for 0.320 with 1.158 RBIs and 1.056 runs scored.
The Athletics are the best value for the money line based on the -206 odds and a forecasted 77.71% win estimate. According to prediction model the 74.03% over estimate and -115 line odds for 9.0 runs, the over line is the best value.
Posted at Fri, September 27, 2019 13:05:19 UTC