Wed, Aug 21, 2019 | Emma Botos
Marcus Semien
Keith Allison on Flickr (Original version) Editosaurus (Crop) License
August 20, 2019 -- The Yankees chalk up a road loss against the Athletics, 2 to 6.
Top Athletics hitter Marcus Semien's presence helped for win at home over Yankees's pitching. With 3 at bats, he had a game 0.359 OBP. In the game, he had a batting average of 0.273. The Athletics' top hitter contributed 1 RBI and scored 0 runs in the home outing. Leading the team in slugging for the season, Marcus Semien had a 0.481 slugging percentage. At the plate, the slugger had 0 strikeouts.
Matt Olson 1B led the Athletics in hitting against the Yankees's pitching. The hitter had a 0.350 OBP with 3 at bats. In the game, he had a 0.265 batting average. Leading the team in slugging for the game, he had a 0.542 slugging percentage. The Athletics hitter had 2 RBI and scored 2 runs in the home outing.
Slugger DJ LeMahieu's performance on the bases, could not overcome Athletics's defense against starter Domingo German. With 5 at bats, DJ LeMahieu had a 0.385 OBP. His batting average was 0.338 in the game. At the plate, he had 0 strikeouts. Leading the team in slugging for the season, DJ LeMahieu had a 0.540 slugging percentage.
Posted at Wed, August 21, 2019 13:05:15 UTC