Wed, Sep 25, 2019 | Emma Botos
September 24, 2019 -- The Pirates dominate at home in a win against the Cubs, 9 to 2.
Pirates were led on hitting by Jose Osuna. The hitter had a 0.309 OBP with 3 at bats. At the plate, the hitter had 0 strikeouts. Leading the team in slugging for the game, he had a 0.467 slugging percentage. In the game, he had a 0.264 batting average. His team's best hitter had 0 RBI and scored 1 run in the game.
Slugger Bryan Reynolds's leadership helped the Pirates against Cubs. He had a game batting average of 0.314. The team's leading slugger had a 0.504 slugging percentage in the game. The Pirates' top hitter contributed 1 RBI and scored 0 runs in the home outing. He gave up 0 Ks in the game. With 5 at bats, he had a game 0.378 OBP.
Posted at Wed, September 25, 2019 02:32:26 UTC