Wed, Aug 21, 2019 | Emma Botos
Jorge Polanco
Keith Allison from Hanover, MD, USA License
August 21, 2019 -- The Twins under perform at home against the White Sox for a 0 to 4 loss.
Slugger Jorge Polanco could not pull out the Twins home win over the White Sox's pitching. The team's leading slugger had a 0.496 slugging percentage in the game. At the plate, the slugger had 0 strikeouts. The Twins' top hitter contributed 0 RBI and scored 0 runs in the home outing. In the game, he had a batting average of 0.295. He had a 0.358 OBP with 4 at bats.
Jake Odorizzi's pitching start could not pull out the win for the Twins. The Twins pitcher had a 0.303 OBP for his appearance. The Twins starter allowed 8 hits and 1 walk. He pitched for 6 Ks.
The White Sox star Eloy Jimenez's presence on the road helped the team over the Twins's pitching. The White Sox hitter had 0 RBI and scored 0 runs on the road. In the game, he had a batting average of 0.241. The hitter gave up 0 Ks. With 3 at bats, Eloy Jimenez had a 0.293 OBP.
Posted at Wed, August 21, 2019 20:32:27 UTC