Thu, Aug 15, 2019 | Emma Botos
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Arturo Pardavila III on Flickr License
August 14, 2019 -- The Phillies destroy the visiting Cubs in a 11-1 win.
The Aaron Nola start helped keep the Cubs hitters at bay. The pitcher allowed 1 earned runs over 7.0 innings pitched. The Phillies hurler threw for 3 hits and 1 walk allowed. A 3.56 ERA and 0.318 OBP in the appearance against Cubs. Throwing 74 strikes in a 105 pitch outing for 7 strikeouts.
Phillies were led on hitting by Scott Kingery. He had 0 Ks at the plate against the Cubs. The hitter had a 0.503 slugging in the game. In the game, he had a 0.275 batting average. The Phillies hitter had 0 RBI and scored 1 run in the home outing. He had a 0.336 OBP with 4 at bats.
The Cubs starter Cole Hamels could not help the offense to pull out the win. The pitcher allowed 0.299 OBP. Throwing 35 strikes in a 53 pitch outing for 2 strikeouts. The hurler gave up 8 earned runs in 2.0 innings.
Posted at Thu, August 15, 2019 03:32:28 UTC