Sun, Aug 18, 2019 | Emma Botos
Miles Mikolas pitching for the St.Louis Cardinals in 2018.
Johnmaxmena2 License
August 17, 2019 -- The visiting Cardinals cannot hang with Reds, 1 to 6.
Miles Mikolas's start did not help them on the road. The pitcher allowed 0.311 OBP. The hurler gave up 5 earned runs in 5.0 innings. Throwing 59 strikes in a 89 pitch outing for 5 strikeouts. Cardinals's starter allowed 7 hits and 2 walks.
Even Marcell Ozuna could not help Cardinals on offense against the Reds. He had 0 Ks in the game. In 4 at bats, the hitter had a 0.339 OBP. He had a game slugging percentage of 0.506. His team's best hitter had 0 RBI and scored 0 runs in the game. He had a 0.259 batting average in the game.
Starting at home, Anthony DeSclafani helped lead the Reds to a win. The Reds starter allowed 5 hits and 3 walks. The pitcher allowed 1 earned runs over 5.0 innings pitched. The Reds pitcher had a 0.317 OBP for his appearance. Throwing 55 strikes in a 89 pitch outing for 4 strikeouts.
Posted at Sun, August 18, 2019 02:31:35 UTC