Tue, Sep 3, 2019 | Emma Botos
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Arturo Pardavila III on Flickr (Original version) UCinternational (Crop) License
September 3, 2019 -- On the road, the Angels has a 64.90% chance to lose to the Athletics from our Snoozle montecarlo model.
On the mound for the Angels will be Jaime Barria matched up against Mike Fiers. Jaime Barria is estimated to have 2.814 earned runs, 20.922 outs, and 6.653 strike outs. Our model forecasts the Athletics pitcher will have an outing for 6.818 innings, allowing 2.092 earned runs, with a 3.113 walks.
Expected in today's lineup will be top hitters Brian Goodwin and Mark Canha from Angels and Athletics, respectively. Based on the Snoozle MLB model, Brian Goodwin is predicted to bat for 0.256 with 0.563 RBIs and 0.481 run scored. Mark Canha is forecast to bat for 0.283 with 0.804 RBIs and 0.689 runs scored.
With -160 money line odds and a forecasted 64.90% likelihood to win, the best value is on the Athletics over the Angels. The over/under line of 9.5 runs with +100 over odds and a predicted 51.71% over likelihood, the under bet is the best value for this game.
Posted at Tue, September 3, 2019 13:03:16 UTC